Peña Betancourt S.D.
Autonomous Metropolitan University. Campus Xochimilco, Mexico
Title: Comparision of the lipid content and the fumonisins concentration in maize genetic diversity
Biography: Peña Betancourt S.D.
In Mexico, corn is the staple food grain; per capita consumption is estimated at 800 g per day and that 70% of the population suffer from obesity and diabetes type 2. The aim of this study was to determine lipid content and fumoni sin in maize genetic diversity , to avoid a potential health risk for high intake of carbohydrates and toxic substances that interfere with lipid metabolism . 25 samples were collected in three states (State of Mexico, Hidalgo and Morelos) at Central Regions in Mexico, (8) landraces were identified, (10) improved corn hybrids and (7) Bt corn, which were subjected to a lipid extraction method Golfisch, AOAC and total fumonisin by ELISA method (Ridascreen Fast Fumoni sin). Chemical analysis confirmed a significant increase in total lipid content (8.075%) in Bt with respect to the non-Bt maize hybrids (5.07%). The presence of fumonisin levels was detected in 4 mg kg native and improved corn and 0.56 mg kg in Bt maize. In conclusion, the data showed an increase in total lipids in maize, which expressed a recombinant protein ( Cry1Ab) and decreased levels fumonisin, regarding native and improved maize. Fumonisin levels detected may be a risk to consumer health. It is recommended to evaluate the additive effect of excess lipids and fumonisin in the diet of the Mexican population.