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Giuseppe Maulucci

Giuseppe Maulucci

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy


Giuseppe Maulucci attended La Sapienza University in Rome, where he obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Biophysics. He gained his PhD degree at Roma Tre University and worked as Teacher and Researcher at the Institute of Physics and at the center of light and electron microscopy (LABCEMI) of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (UCSC). He is an expert in microscopy techniques (University of Florence, University of Genoa, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University of Patras). His research activity is focused on Metabolic Imaging, a discipline that unites Molecular Biology and In vivo Imaging. It enables the visualization of endogenous molecules and supramolecular properties of major importance to maintain energy homeostasis in the cells, and provides a window to several important metabolic processes essential to cell survival.


Abstract : Quantitative analysis of fatty acid metabolism by confocal spectral imaging of intracellular polarity