Calvano Cosima Damiana
Università di Bari, Italy
Calvano Cosima Damiana is currently working as Assistant Professor at University of Bari in Department of Chemistry and she received the eligibility to become Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry. She graduated in Chemistry at the University of Bari in 2003. In 2007, she accomplished her PhD studies in Microbiology, Health and Food Chemistry. In 2012, she received the Best Young Researcher Award from the Analytical Chemistry Division of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI). Her research interests focus on the development of new analytical protocols for biomolecules study, on the use of mass spectrometry in proteomics and lipidomics fields for applications in molecular science, food, clinical and cultural heritage. Her scientific activity is documented by 75 papers divided as peerto- peer reviewing publications in international journals, book chapters and conference proceedings. She is the author/co-author of more than 100 communications to national/international conferences.